Organizing committee

José Cláudio S. Castanheira has a PhD in communication from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), with a doctoral internship at McGill University - Canada. He is professor of the Cinema course at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and at PPGCOM from Federal University of Ceará. He is leader of the research group GEIST / UFSC (Study Group on Images, Sounds and Technologies) - CNPq.
Pedro Silva Marra holds a doctorate in communication from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), with a doctoral internship at McGill University - Canada. He is a professor in the Social Communication department at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) and at Ppgcom UFOP. Leader of the research group Ateliê de Sonoridades Urbanas-CNPq. He is a member of GEIST / UFSC (Study Group on Images, Sounds and Technologies) -CNPq.

Marcelo Bergamin Conter is a professor and researcher at Rio Grande do Sul Federal Institute (IFRS). He held a post-doctorate in Communication at Unisinos. He holds a doctorate and a master's degree from UFRGS, with visiting scholar period (CAPES) at Columbia University (New York). In 2016, he published the book "LO-FI – Pop music in low definition".
Melina Santos is Post-doctoral fellow in Communication (PUC-RS) and PhD in Communication from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Among her research interests are: Africanities, Music Genre, Decoloniality and Technologies.

Dulce Mazer is a journalist, PhD in Communication and Information from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). She did post-doctorate (PNPD / CAPES) at UFRGS and sandwich doctorate at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico (UAM), under the guidance of prof. Dr. Néstor García Canclini. She is interested in research in communication, cultural and media consumption; urban cultures and identities, media aspects of the contemporary sound, audiovisual and musical experience. She is a member of Study Group on Sound Image and Technology (GEIST/UFSC) and Space, Frontier, Information and Technology Research Group (GREFIT/UFRGS).
Cássio de Borba Lucas is a PhD student in Communication at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), with research on the production of musical wiretaps. Master in Communication and Information by UFRGS, in the line of research Culture and Meaning, with research on the meanings, intertextualities and intersemiotics of sampled music. Graduated in Social Communication with a degree in Journalism from UFRGS, with research of scientific initiation on the communicational theses dispersed in the cinema of Julio Bressane and research of conclusion of the course on the orchestra audiovisual as intersemiotic translation.

Mario Arruda is PhD student in Communication at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). He is a member of the Study Group on Sound Image and Technology (GEIST) and the Research Group on Semiotics and Communication Cultures (GPESC). Research in the areas of Aesthetics, Semiotics, Communication Theory and Cyberculture with a focus on philosophies of difference, music, media art and communication technologies. CAPES Scholarship. Email:
Dr. Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda (b. 1973 Guadalajara, Mexico) is Assistant Professor and director of the Critical Media Art Studio (cMAS) at the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University. Her work investigates the histories and practices of contemporary art and design and its intersections with science and technology. She is the author of the award-winning book “Women Made Visible: Feminist Art and Media in post-1968 Mexico” (2019) and several peer-reviewed articles, book chapters and research-creation projects on feminist media art and archival practices in Latin America. To learn more about her work visit:

Freya Zinovieff is an artist, researcher and PhD student in the Critical Media Art Studio (cMAS) at Simon Fraser University. Her current focus is the potential for mediated listening practices to illuminate the boundaries between the political and the ecological. Freya underwent her MFA at University of New South Wales and holds a first class honours degree from Cambridge School of Art at Anglia Ruskin. She has received multiple awards, including an Endeavour Scholarship, and has worked extensively as a curator.
Amanda Gutiérrez (b. 1978, Mexico City) Trained and graduated initially as a stage designer from The National School of Theater, Gutiérrez uses a range of media such as film and performance art to investigate how these conditions of everyday life set the stage for our experiences and in doing so shape our individual and collective identities. Gutierrez is actively advocating listening practices while being one of the board of directors of the World Listening Project, formerly working with The Midwest Society of Acoustic Ecology, and currently as the scientific comitée of the Red Ecología Acústica México. Currently, she is a PhD student at Concordia University and research assistant at lab PULSE and Acts of Listening Lab.

Paula Gomes-Ribeiro is Musicologist. Professor and Researcher at the Faculdade de Ciencias Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She develops research on the sociology of music; opera and musical theater; music, media, communication and technologies; genre and music; cybercultures. The temporal scope of her work is generically demarcated between the end of the 19th century and contemporaneity. Integrated researcher at CESEM Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical and member of current direction. She is co-founder of SociMus (Group of Advanced Studies in Sociology of Music), NEGEM (Genre and Music) and CysMus (Music and Cyberculture). She concluded the PhD in Musicology at Paris VIII University (Aesthetics, Sciences and Arts Technologies) in 2000, after getting her Master's degree in Musicology from the same institution.
João Francisco Porfírio is a PhD student in Music Sciences at NOVA FCSH (Lisbon) and FCT doctoral fellow (SFRH / BD / 136264/2018). At CESEM, he is a member of the Critical Theory and Communication Group, SociMus (Group of Advanced Studies in Sociology of Music) and CysMus (Center for Studies in Music and Cyberculture), where he develops research on themes related to ambient music and soundscapes of the domestic everyday life.

Camila Proto (Porto Alegre, 1996) is a multimedia artist, master in Visual Arts at UFRGS and PhD student in Philosophy at PUC-Rio. Her research covers the intersemiotic universe, tense the relations between art, science and philosophy. She was nominated for the XIII Açorianos Plastic Arts Award (2020, Porto Alegre), in the category "Artist in Early Career".
Thaís Amorim Aragão is a PhD in Communications from Unisinos and cultural producer at Federal University of Ceará’s Rádio Universitária, in Fortaleza, Brazil. She was as a visiting scholar at the University of Westminster’s School of Media Arts and Design, London, and has a Master’s in Urban and Regional Planning from UFRGS.

Juliana Carla Bastos is a PhD in Ethnomusicology and professor of the Bachelor's Degree in Music at the UFPB, where she is the coordinator of LABETS - Research Group "Laboratório de Ética Sonora". She is a member of the Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM-Indiana University), of the WFAE-World Forum for Acoustic Ecology, and a reviewer of regional events and of the Revista da ABEM-Associação Brasileira de Educação Musical. His research interests contemplated sound ethics, ecomusicology, popular urban music, processes of musical transmission and practice of music teaching.
Rui Chaves is a sound artist, curator and researcher. From 2015-2018, he was a postdoctoral researcher at NuSom (University of São Paulo) with a research project focused on creating an online ‘archive’ of Brazilian sound art. In 2019, he co-edited with Professor Fernando Iazzetta the book Making it Heard: A History of Brazilian Sound Art. From 2020 to 2024, he will serve as a visiting professor in the visual arts department at the Federal University of João Pessoa.

Henrique Souza Lima received his PhD in arts from the University of São Paulo. He is a professor in the course Technologies for Phonographic Production at the Anhembi Morumbi University. He is co-founder and member of the research group Laura - Place of Research in Aurality and member of the Nusom Research Center on Sonology, both based at the University of São Paulo. His research interests gravitate around the relationships between listening, power and image.
Scientific committee
Dr. José Cláudio S. Castanheira (UFSC/UFC)
Dr. Pedro Silva Marra (UFES/UFOP)
Dr. Marcelo Bergamin Conter (IFRS)
Dr. Dulce Mazer (UFRGS)
Dr. Melina Santos (PUC-RS)
Dr. Cassio Borba de Lucas (UFRGS)
Dr. Mario Arruda (UFRGS)
Dr. Timothy D. Taylor (UCLA)
Dr. Martin Daughtry (NYU)
Dr. Shannon Garland (University of California, Merced)
Dr. Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda (Simon Fraser)
Me. Freya Zinovieff (Simon Fraser)
Me. Amanda Gutierrez (Condordia)
Drª Paula Gomes-Ribeiro (NOVA from Lisbon)
Me. João Francisco Porfírio (NOVA from Lisbon)
Me. Camila Proto (PUC-RJ)
Dr Thaís Amorim Aragão (UFC)
Dr. Juliana Carla Bastos (UFPB)
Dr. Rui Chaves (UFPB)
Dr. Henrique Souza Lima (Anhembi-Morumbi)
II CIPS organizers are researchers at the following institutions: