O livro reúne textos apresentados e discutidos na II Conferência Internacional de Pesquisas em Sonoridades – Sonoridades Fronteiriças, realizado de forma remota em 2021 durante a pandemia de Covid-19. A noção de fronteira trata da flexibilização ou do endurecimento dos sistemas que estruturam sonoridades contemporâneas. Organizado em três partes e com textos publicados em português, espanhol e inglês, o livro reconhece e enfrenta também as fronteiras impostas pela linguagem, atravessando outras e diversas relações fronteiriças, tendo as sonoridades como campo investigativo comum para as autoras e os autores.
Lista de autores:
I. Espaços e fronteiras
Luís Bittencourt, Helena Marinho, Joaquim Branco, Nilton Faria de Carvalho, Jaime D. Rojas Vargas, Karla Ballesteros e Amanda Patricia Castañeda Merizalde, Gabriel Moura Juliano, Luan Correia Cunha Santos, Marcos Machado Chaves, Waléria Américo, Jordan Lacey, Lena Ortega Atristain, Gilberto Assis Rosa e Jônatas Manzolli, Jorge David García Castilla, Cristiano Ricardo de Azevedo Pacheco e Carlos José Cândido Guerreiro Fortuna, Matías G. Rodríguez-Mouriño, Thais Rodrigues Oliveira, Krishna Passos, Joana dos Reis Freitas, Diogo Rodrigues Lopes Ferreira, Vitor Droppa Wadowski Fonseca, Bibiana da Silva de Paula e Eduardo Harry Luersen, Iván Navarro Flores, Henrique Iwao, Carlos Benedito Alves da Silva Júnior, Gabriel Gustavo Carneiro Braga, Jeerson Saylon Lima de Sousa e Rosinete de Jesus Silva Ferreira
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Poderes do Som is the outgrowth of an exciting confluence of approaches to sound from many different disciplines in Brazil and abroad. Its contents draw on numerous intellectual and artistic traditions and provide an excellent introduction to the variety and effervescence of studies of sound in the 21st Century. Many of the chapters reflect on contemporary Brazilian sonic phenomena. After you read this book you will never listen to your world in the same way.
Poderes do Som was born from the work of the Grupo de Estudos em Imagem, Sonoridades e Tecnologias (GEIST), da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina and two international conferences the group organized on sonority in 2019. Sonority is a central concept that includes the acoustic and material aspects of sound and as well as the social meanings and values given them by individuals and groups. The conferences brought together renowned international scholars including Martin Daughtry and Timothy Taylor, whose chapters on the sounds of war and the circulation, exchange and value music begin and end the body of volume, along with many Brazilian scholars of music, soundscapes, technology, anthropology, politics and culture whose papers focus on the significance of sounds in Brazil. Five artists describe their sonic peformances in “interventions” that are accessible on a website.
Organized into three parts, with an introduction to the epistemology of sonority, seventeen chapters, and 5 sonic interventions, this book is an exciting and extremely useful introduction to the interdisciplinary study of sounds, technologies, values, and their use and importance in Brazilian social life.
Anthony Seeger, author of Porque Cantam os Kĩsêdjê
List of authors:
Alex Martoni, Ana Beatriz Moreto do Vale, Camila Proto, Cassio de Borba Lucas, Denise Barata, Dulce Mazer, Fabio Camarneiro, Fábio dos Passos Carvalho, Felipe Gue Martini, Felipe Viana Estivalet, Flávio Luiz Schiavoni, Henrique Iwao, J. Martin Daughtry , João Augusto Neves Pires, João Francisco Porfírio, João Teixeira Araújo, Jordan Zalis, Jorge Bruno Ventura, José Cláudio S. Castanheira, Juliana Carla Bastos, Luís Cláudio Ribeiro, Marcelo Bergamin Conter, Marina Mapurunga de M. Ferreira, Mario Arruda, Maurílio Mendonça de Avellar Gomes, Melodie Michel, Pedro Marra, Rodrigo Ramos, Shannon Garland, Timothy D. Taylor.
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