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The International Conference on Research in Sonorities (CIPS) is an initiative of the Study Group on Images, Sonorities and Technologies (GEIST)


José Cláudio S. Castanheira is PhD in Communication (Fluminense Federal University - Brazil), with a doctoral internship at McGill University – Canada. Professor at the Communication Department in Fluminense Federal University (UFF) and at the Postgraduate Program in Communication in the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Carried out a research stay in the Communication Department of Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, in 2021-2022. Leader of the research group GEIST (Group of Study of Images, Sonorities and Technologies). Researcher in the areas of digital culture, music, sound studies and film studies. 

Pedro Silva Marra holds a doctorate in communication from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), with a doctoral internship at McGill University - Canada. He is a professor in the Social Communication department at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) and at Ppgcom UFOP. Leader of the research group Ateliê de Sonoridades Urbanas-CNPq. He is a member of GEIST / UFSC (Study Group on Images, Sounds and Technologies) -CNPq.


PhD in Communication at UFRGS (2016). Postdoctoral studies at Unisinos (2016). Visiting scholar at Columbia University in the City of New York (2014). Professor at UFRGS, where he teaches Communication Theories. Author of the book “LO-FI: pop music in low definition” (2016) and member of the Research Group on Semiotics and Communication Cultures (GPESC/UFRGS) and the Study Group on Image, Sounds and Technologies (GEIST/UFF). Coordinator of the Research Group for Semiotics and Sonorities (SemSono/UFRGS).

Melina Santos is Postdoctoral in Communication (PUC-RS) and PhD in Communication from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Among the research interests are: Africanities, Musical Genre, Decoloniality and Technologies.

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Dulce Mazer is a journalist, PhD in Communication and Information from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). She did post-doctorate (PNPD / CAPES) at UFRGS and sandwich doctorate at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico (UAM), under the guidance of prof. Dr. Néstor García Canclini. She is interested in research in communication, cultural and media consumption; urban cultures and identities, media aspects of the contemporary sound, audiovisual and musical experience. She is a member of Study Group on Sound Image and Technology (GEIST/UFSC) and Space, Frontier, Information and Technology Research Group (GREFIT/UFRGS).

Cássio de Borba Lucas is substitute professor at the School of Communication (ECO) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Postdoctoral fellow at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, with a PDJ CNPq/FAPERJ scholarship. PhD from the Postgraduate Program in Communication (PPGCOM) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), with a thesis on the production of musical listening. Master in Communication and Information from the same program (PPGCOM-UFRGS), with a dissertation on the significance, intertextuality and intersemiotics of sampled music.

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Mario Arruda is an artist, music producer, researcher and professor at Unisinos in the Higher Education Course in Phonographic Production. PhD from the Graduate Program in Communication at UFRGS with the thesis “The act of creation in pop music”. Research in the areas of Aesthetics, Semiotics and Communication Theories with a focus on philosophies of difference, music, art and communication technologies and music distribution. He is part of the Semiotics and Cultures of Communication Research Group (GPESC), the Image, Sounds and Technologies Study Group (GEIST) and SemSono (Semiotics and Sounds). Email:

Daniela Zanetti is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Communication at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) and in the Postgraduate Program in Communication and Territorialities (PÓSCOM-UFES). She holds a PhD in Communication and Contemporary Culture from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). She holds a Master's degree in Literature from Mackenzie University (MACKENZIE). She holds a degree in Social Communication/Journalism from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). During her PhD, she developed research on audiovisual production in/from Brazilian peripheries, which resulted in the book O cinema da periferia: narrativas do cotidiano, perspectivas econhece social (O cinema da periferia: narrativas do cotidiano, perspectivas econhece social [The cinema of the periphery: narratives of everyday life, visibility and social recognition] (Edufba). Since 2011, she has coordinated the research group Cultura Audiovisual e Tecnologia (CAT) and is currently investigating the relationships between audiovisual, new media and cyberculture, the transformations of audiovisuality in digital culture, communication and territorialities, and cyberactivism. She completed a postdoctoral internship at the Universidade Aberta de Lisboa, Portugal (2016).


Ananda Carvalho is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Visual Arts at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) and a curator; she holds a PhD and a Master's degree in Communication and Semiotics from PUC-SP. She completed her postdoctoral studies in Contemporary Art Studies at UFF. Her research focuses on contemporary art with an emphasis on curatorship, histories, and exhibition creation processes. She is the coordinator of the Curatorship Platform [which encompasses the activities of the extension project Processes of Creation in Curatorship and the research group Curatorship and Contemporary Art (CNPq/UFES)]. She coordinates the Galeria de Arte Espaço Universitário (Gaeu-UFES) and coordinated the Galeria de Arte e Pesquisa (GAP-UFES). Her doctoral research (supported by a CNPq grant) focused on curatorial procedures in contemporary art exhibitions. In her master's research (supported by a CNPq grant), she studied contemporary Brazilian productions that incorporate the confluences between documentary and video art.

Constantino Gabriel Buteri Neto is a master's student in Communication and Territorialities - PÓSCOM UFES (2019). Graduated in Music - UFES (2008); Psychology - UFES (2001) and Business Administration - FCHV (1997). Audiovisual Technician at the Communications Office of IFES - Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espírito Santo. Composer of musical soundtracks and sound designer (2000-2020). Experience in teaching in Professional Education, in the Audio and Video Production Course CEET - Vasco Coutinho (2006-2010). Short experience as a volunteer teacher in Higher Education at DETAM - Arts Center - Ufes. Experience in cultural management, music sub-area, at the SESC Glória Cultural Center (2010-2018). Member of the Urban Sounds Workshop study group. Currently carrying out research on sound territorialities and sound mapping of the Goiabeiras University Campus (UFES).

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Camila Proto is an artist and researcher. A doctoral student in Visual Arts (UFRJ), her artistic poetics enters the fabulatory and narrative universe to deal with possible translations of the world. She is an active researcher at the Research Group on Semiotics and Cultures of Communication (GPESC-UFRGS), in the SemSono – Semiotics and Sonorities research line, and at SOMA – Sound in the Arts (UFF).

Ana Beatriz Moreto do Vale has a degree in Administration Integrated with High School from the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (2014). Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences in dual modality (Bachelor's/Bachelor's degree) from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2019). Postgraduate degree in Applied Human and Social Sciences and the World of Work from the Federal University of Piauí (2022). Master's degree in Institutional Psychology from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2024).

Scientific Comittee


Dr. José Cláudio S. Castanheira (UFF/UFC)
Dr. Pedro Silva Marra (UFES/UFOP)
Dr. Marcelo Bergamin Conter (UFRGS)
Drª Dulce Mazer (UFRGS)
Drª Melina Santos (UFF)
Dr. Cassio Borba de Lucas (UFRJ)
Dr. Mario Arruda (UNISINOS)
Dr. Martin Daughtry (NYU)
Dr. Felipe Trotta (UFF)

Drª Silvia Helena Belmino Freitas(UFC)

Drª Juliana Carla Bastos (UFPB)

Drª Thais Amorim Aragão (UFC)

Ms. Camila Proto (UFRJ)

Dr. Marco Antonio Farias Scarassatti (UFMG)

Drª Shannon Garland (University of Pitsburgh)

Dr. Timothy D. Taylor (UCLA)

Drª Gabriela Aceves-Sepulveda (Simon Fraser University)

Drª Freya Zinovieff (Vancouver New Music)

Drª Paula Gomes Ribeiro (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

III CIPS organizers are researchers at the following institutions:




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