The International Conference on Research in Sonorities (CIPS) is an initiative of the Study Group on Images, Sonorities and Technologies (GEIST)

José Cláudio S. Castanheira is PhD in Communication (Fluminense Federal University - Brazil), with a doctoral internship at McGill University – Canada. Professor at the Communication Department in Fluminense Federal University (UFF) and at the Postgraduate Program in Communication in the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Carried out a research stay in the Communication Department of Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, in 2021-2022. Leader of the research group GEIST (Group of Study of Images, Sonorities and Technologies). Researcher in the areas of digital culture, music, sound studies and film studies.
Pedro Silva Marra holds a doctorate in communication from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), with a doctoral internship at McGill University - Canada. He is a professor in the Social Communication department at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) and at Ppgcom UFOP. Leader of the research group Ateliê de Sonoridades Urbanas-CNPq. He is a member of GEIST / UFSC (Study Group on Images, Sounds and Technologies) -CNPq.

Marcelo Bergamin Conter is professor of audio production and media theory at IFRS. He held a doctorate and a master's degree at PPGCOM-UFRGS, doing a sandwich doctorate at Columbia University (USA) and a postdoctoral degree at Unisinos. He is the author of the books LO-FI: Pop music in low definition (2016) and Image-music in videos for the web (2013). He is a member of the GEIST-Group of Image, Sonorities and Technology Studies, of the GPESC – Research Group on Semiotics and Communication Cultures, and coordinates the research line SemSono – Semiotics and Sonorities. His research deals with amateur music production.
Melina Santos is Postdoctoral in Communication (PUC-RS) and PhD in Communication from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Among the research interests are: Africanities, Musical Genre, Decoloniality and Technologies.

Dulce Mazer is a journalist, PhD in Communication and Information from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). She did post-doctorate (PNPD / CAPES) at UFRGS and sandwich doctorate at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico (UAM), under the guidance of prof. Dr. Néstor García Canclini. She is interested in research in communication, cultural and media consumption; urban cultures and identities, media aspects of the contemporary sound, audiovisual and musical experience. She is a member of Study Group on Sound Image and Technology (GEIST/UFSC) and Space, Frontier, Information and Technology Research Group (GREFIT/UFRGS).
Cássio de Borba Lucas holds a PhD in Communication from the Graduate Program at UFRGS, with research on the production of musical listening. Master in Communication and Information from UFRGS, with research on the significance and intertextuality of sampled music. Graduated in Social Communication with specialization in Journalism from UFRGS, with research on orchestra audiovisual as intersemiotic translation. He is part of the Semiotics and Cultures of Communication Research Group (GPESC), the Image, Sounds and Technologies Study Group (GEIST) and SemSono (Semiotics and Sounds).

Mario Arruda is an artist, music producer and researcher. PhD from the Graduate Program in Communication at UFRGS with the thesis “The act of creation in pop music”. Research in the areas of Aesthetics, Semiotics and Communication Theories with a focus on philosophies of difference, music, art and communication technologies and music distribution. He is part of the Semiotics and Cultures of Communication Research Group (GPESC), the Image, Sounds and Technologies Study Group (GEIST) and SemSono (Semiotics and Sounds). Email:
Felipe Trotta is a musicologist, professor at the Department of Media Studies and coordinator of the Graduate Program in Communication at UFF. He has been a popular music researcher for over two decades with dozens of published articles. CNPq and Faperj researcher, coordinates the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Studies in Music and Culture - MusiLab, at UFF. He was president of the Latin American section of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM-AL, 2020-2022) and is the author of the books "Samba and its borders" (Ed.UFRJ, 2011), "No Ceará has this, no " (Folio Digital, 2014) and "Annoying Music in Everyday Life" (Bloomsbury, 2020).

Camila Proto is an artist and researcher. A doctoral student in Visual Arts (UFRJ), her artistic poetics enters the fabulatory and narrative universe to deal with possible translations of the world. She is an active researcher at the Research Group on Semiotics and Cultures of Communication (GPESC-UFRGS), in the SemSono – Semiotics and Sonorities research line, and at SOMA – Sound in the Arts (UFF).
Giuliano Obici is theartist and sound researcher with a background in arts, communication and psychology. Adjunct Professor of the Art Department at UFF, director of SomaRumor: Latin American Sound Art Meeting together with the Multi-Experimental Nucleus and coordinator of Lab SOMA (Sound in the Arts)

Tato Taborda is a composer, performer and curator of events dedicated to musical experimentation. Professor of the Arts Course and the Post-Graduate Studies in Contemporary Arts PPGCA at UFF. PhD in composition from Unirio with the thesis “Biocounterpoint: how we learn counterpoint with frogs”, an investigation of the interface between communication strategies of nocturnal creatures, such as frogs, crickets and fireflies, and polyphony and counterpoint techniques. Among other works, he composed the opera “A Queda do Céu”, commissioned by the Munich Biennale, and “Estratos”, for orchestra with native instruments from the Andean highlands, commissioned by the German festival of Donnaueschingen. He composed for more than 40 theater and dance shows, receiving the Mambembe Trophy in 1996, Bolsa Vitae in 1998, Coca-Cola Award in 1998 and Klauss Vianna Award in 2007 and 2009. His works have been recorded by the labels Col Legno, Fundación Arca-Ira and ABM-Digital and Lami. In 2008, he launched the CD Tato Taborda e Geralda - Música para Orquestra, with works written for the multi-instrument Geralda, an electro-acoustic orchestra with more than 70 sound sources. In 2021, he published the book “Resonances: vibrations by sympathy and frequencies of insurgencies” by Editora UFRJ.
Dr. José Cláudio S. Castanheira (UFF/UFC)
Dr. Pedro Silva Marra (UFES/UFOP)
Dr. Marcelo Bergamin Conter (IFRS)
Dr. Dulce Mazer (UFRGS)
Dr. Melina Santos (UFF)
Dr. Cassio Borba de Lucas (UFRGS)
Dr. Mario Arruda (UFRGS)
Dr. Martin Daughtry (NYU)
Dr. Felipe Trotta (UFF)
III CIPS organizers are researchers at the following institutions: